
Hi, I'm Toby, I'm a 13 year old thoroughbred cross and I'm a gelding but that is still a sore point so I prefer not to talk about it. Sarah found me on horse hunter whilst looking for her first horse, she thought that I looked like I could do with some good food and exercise from the photo on my advert but came to see me anyway. Unfortunately I didn't look much like the picture on the internet, I was much worse, I hadn't been looked after properly so I was very thin, my spine stuck up and people said my ribs looked like a picket fence, my hips stuck out too, I felt sad and couldn't be bothered to do much. I made Sarah really sad. I'm much better now but me and Sarah still have some work to do and need to get to know each other better so this blog has been set up to let people know how we are getting on.

16 Dec 2009

Christmas is coming but I couldn't wait

Some of the other horses have stockings hanging outside of their stables, I was feeling jealous of them and wondered why I didn't have one then last Sunday Sarah and Dave came to see me and they brought a red stocking for me, they hung it up just outside my stable door, it's a red one with rudolf on, he has a big red sparkly nose.

When Sarah and Dave left that night after they put me to bed I decided that the smell of mint in the stocking was just too much to resist so I tried to get the polos out, it wasn't very easy though, I managed to pull the stocking down but the polos went everywhere. Helen walked past and busted me then Lynne took a photo as evidence to show Sarah and Dave, I hope they don't get too cross with me.

14 Dec 2009

Worming-Oh no not again!

I was wormed this weekend, all of us horses had to come in to our beds at lunch time, we all knew something was up, I don't think those humans know that we're not daft. I saw the boxes as soon as I walked into the yard and though 'oh no, not that horrible stuff'. Sarah tied me up and squirted this gel stuff in my mouth and it was disgusting, I tried to avoid it with my tongue so I couldn't taste it but it didn't work. Sarah and Dave laughed at me, I don't know why, Sarah took a short video and has let me put it on here.

On Sunday morning I was still in my bed but some of the other horses had gone out, I didn't like it, I didn't think it was fair so I got in a bit of a panic and walked round in circles because I didn't know what to do with myself.

Some woman came to see me this week too, she said I had high withers and told Sarah to get a T4 whatever that is, maybe it's something nice to eat.

3 Dec 2009

Happier horse

One afternoon, Sarah came to the yard early, I thought oh eck whats she going to do to me now, I'd already had some woman sticking needles in me which wasn't very nice, I didn't make a fuss though, I just couldn't be bothered. Well this man turned up with all sorts of strange things, he put this thing on my face that made my mouth open, I didn't like it much and kept looking at Sarah hoping she would see I wasn't very impressed but she just stroked my head- silly person! The man put his hands in my mouth and did something to my teeth, he told Sarah that I wouldn't eat properly for a day or two and would struggle with my hay, I heard him so tucked into my net straight away.

Another week, another 13kg 19.10.09

I got measured again this week, Sarah said she was happy that I had put 13kg on, I'm looking more handsome again now and feeling happier, a bit more like my old self.
Sarah put some of my poo in a plastic pot a couple of days ago, I heard her tell Ellie that I had a medium count of strongyle eggs and needed Equest pramox. I didn't think that sounded very good. The next day Auntie Ellie no.2 turned up with one of those damn boxes and she squirted it into my mouth, I didn't like it.
I seem to be in for it this week, some woman came to have a look at me too, she stuck needles in me then wrote something in my book.

Weight gaining 11 October 2009

Sarah said that I weighed 398kg when I arrived, but I probably weighed less than this because I have big withers. I got so much nice food to eat, sugar beet, this sloppy stuff (fibre cubes) some cherry chaff and my favourite this stuff that has lots of different bits in it, Sarah calls it no.17.
After one week I gained 14kg.
Sarah had also been rubbing this greasy jelly stuff on all the places where I had been bitten by the other horses at the old yard and behind my ears where I was bald. It made my hair grow back. I also got to wear a nice new soft headcollar, it was a bit big but it's nice and posh.


These are some of the photographs of me that Sarah took 2 days after I arrived. I don't look very nice, Sarah still spent time with me and groomed me though, she didn't seem to mind. I got to go in a paddock on my own with hay everywhere to eat, I got lots of buckets of food too. After I had needles poked in me and that awful gel stuff in my mouth I went out with the rest of the horses, my friend Felix didn't let anyone be mean to me, he walked around me to stop the other boys from picking a fight.

History_First Visit

I first saw Sarah in September. I was having a big of a rough time, I was skinny and kept getting bitten by the other horses, they wouldn't let me get some hay to eat so I was really fed up. I was living at this not very nice place and didn't have a bed to come into at night, there wasn't much room in the field and there was no grass left. I don't like confrontation so I gave up trying to get some hay to eat. I was for sale because my owner didn't want me anymore, my owner had put a photo of me on the internet to let people know that I was for sale. Sarah came with Ellie no.2 to see what I was like, I didn't think she was very impressed with me.
About one week later Ellie no.2 came to see me with another woman (Ellie no.1), they asked my owner lots of questions then they went away.
I think it was another week when I got put in the trailer, I didn't know where I was going, when I got out at the other end I was put in a stable full of fresh clean straw, I was so excited that I couldn't help but have a big roll around in it then I saw that there was some hay in a big net hanging up and it was all for me, I tucked in. A few hours passed by when Sarah and Ellie no.2 arrived, I was happy to be warm and dry with plenty to eat and these people seemed to want to make me feel well again.