
Hi, I'm Toby, I'm a 13 year old thoroughbred cross and I'm a gelding but that is still a sore point so I prefer not to talk about it. Sarah found me on horse hunter whilst looking for her first horse, she thought that I looked like I could do with some good food and exercise from the photo on my advert but came to see me anyway. Unfortunately I didn't look much like the picture on the internet, I was much worse, I hadn't been looked after properly so I was very thin, my spine stuck up and people said my ribs looked like a picket fence, my hips stuck out too, I felt sad and couldn't be bothered to do much. I made Sarah really sad. I'm much better now but me and Sarah still have some work to do and need to get to know each other better so this blog has been set up to let people know how we are getting on.

30 Jan 2010

No work and lots of food makes Toby a naughty boy

Hmm I've been feeling a bit full of myself recently, I've run off up to my stable on my own twice before Sarah could stop me, I thought it was great fun but Sarah was really cross with me and said I'm usually a good boy. Yeah well I didn't feel like being good this week, I've been having lots of fun with the other boys, we've all been having a good tear around together and I was in a rush to get back to my stable for my tea, I grumped at Sarah when she moved my bucket, how dare she!

Anyway I got tacked up this morning, I tried my best to get out of it, threatened everyone who tried to tighten my girth and then I moved my bum away from the mounting block so Sarah couldn't get on, ha ha. Unfortunately Jo made me stand still so Sarah could get on, damn it I thought I'm going to have to do some work now. It was quite good though, I went for a walk with Charlie, he walks too slow though so I tried to bite his bum to speed him up it didn't work so I just went past him instead. I think I suprised Sarah because I don't walk as fast in the school, I wasn't very impressed when she tried to slow me down or make me stop though, I wanted to keep going. What is it with women not making their minds up about what they want us to do, when I'm in the school she wants me to speed up and when we're riding out she wants me to slow down, silly woman.

23 Jan 2010

Back to ridden work

Along Sarah came with the dreaded saddle again yesterday, she tacked me up in my stable whilst I was having a good munch on my haylage so I didn't mind too much, I couldn't even be bothered to try and bite her when she tightened the girth up. I went in the school at the same time as my friend Logan and Sarah hopped on, no horrible lungeing first! It was a bit strange for us both but I decided to be good for her since she feeds me and everything, we went around the school and down the centre line and threw in some circles for good measure, all in walk though thank goodness, I'd have been so out of puff if I had to trot as well. The saddle got checked, apparently it fits me well but she wants to see me trotting to double check, oh no I'm going to have to put more effort in! I walked around for 40 whole minutes, Sarah said she had lost track of time but was very pleased with me, I got lots of pats and my tea was waiting when I got back to my stable so I was quite happy.

I got a new rug today too, another one, it's bright red, don't you think I look handsome in it? I tried to get as close to the camera as possible ( I thought it was something to eat hehe).

22 Jan 2010

Time for riding again

Just when I thought life couldn't get much better, (aside from it being a bit chilly) the white stuff all disappeared and Sarah turned up with a damn saddle. I tried to scare her off when she fastened the girth around my belly (which she said had got fat, the cheek of it!), trying to bite her didn't stop her putting it on so I must be more menacing next time.

I had to go on the lunge for a bit then Sarah got on, I wasn't very impressed with the idea so threw my head up so she couldn't control me, haha. She got off after a little while, I think we'd both had enough of that. The next night I just got to go in and eat my tea so I was pleased, I got a new rug too, it's lovely and warm.

On Wednesday though Sarah rolled up with that damn saddle again, I tried to bite her more this time, why on earth would I want to be ridden, I am perfectly happy just eating, sleeping, rolling around and playing with my friends. Anyway we did a big circle in the dark, she said that she will get on again soon and ride me for longer but I don't like that idea.

Here is a video of me having a really good roll around a few nights ago, Sarah and Dave put loads of fresh straw on my bed so I just couldn't resist.

Haylage, yummy yummy haylage

Sarah decided a few weeks ago that perhaps it might be a good idea to introduce me to haylage now that my tummy is used to being fed properly. I was so excited when she put up my big net and it smelled so good, I have pinched some from my friend Logan before when his net was left dangerously close to my stable door so I have already tasted it.

But it was a bit of a problem, I just didn't know whether to eat my tea or eat the haylage so kept taking a mouthful of each.

I noticed that Sarah had put some hay in the net as well so I just ate around it, I don't know why she thought I would want to eat that muck when I had so much haylage to get through.

She said that I was a cheeky boy for doing that and that I was lucky that I didn't get the squits! She's lucky more like, I don't clean up my own poo!

6 Jan 2010

Snow, snow everywhere

Where is all this white stuff coming from, it's been a bit hard finding the grass underneath it all recently which wasn't good but at least I was outside with my friends. Yesterday there was even more white cold stuff, I thought the others were going out so I threw a bit of a strop, turns out they were all staying in like me. Pah, stuck in my stable all day long until Sarah could come and make my bed nice again, oh well at least I had loads of hay to eat. Sarah put lots of straw down for me but before she could spread it around I decided to have a good roll around in it. She put even more in this morning and again I just couldn't resist rolling in it all, she thinks it's funny.

Yesterday Sarah put a saddle on my back, she said she wanted to see if it fit me, I was crossing my hooves hoping it wouldn't, I was gutted when she said it looked good, oh well at least this white stuff means she won't get on it. Come on white stuff keep falling from the sky, I'm quite happy doing nothing but eating. I get three buckets everyday, Lynne asked Sarah if I wanted an extra one today, I was thinking, yes nice one more grub but Sarah said no he's got a fat belly. Fat Belly! I have not! Anyway I thought she was trying to put weight on me...